What is Remarketing?

What is Remarketing?
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The advancement of technology has led to a significant revolution in marketing and advertising strategies. Especially, new advertising trends have greatly contributed to the increase in online sales and the expansion of the market. Google stands out among the pioneers of online marketing, offering various advertising and optimization options on its platform to make businesses more visible. With Google remarketing system, an increase in service or product sales can be achieved.

Google remarketing is one of the most practical and effective marketing tools offered to users. This system, called remarketing, ensures that users see ads for websites they have previously visited. As a result, relevant websites are regularly reminded to potential customers. So, what is remarketing? How does it work and what are its benefits? We have answered these questions for you in our content.

How Does Remarketing Work?

Remarketing works with a very simple logic. However, in terms of results, it stands out with its wide scope and effective benefits. Remarketing is carried out through cookies used on websites. Users are informed about cookie policies when they enter pages, and cookies are implemented with the users’ consent. Simply put, the cookie policy records the user who visits the site in the site database.

Users recorded in the database are reprocessed by Google under remarketing, and the same users encounter ads for pages they have previously visited and similar pages. In short, remarketing refers to the algorithm recording the user and then remarketing the website to them based on their user experience.

Benefits of Remarketing

Google remarketing is an extremely effective option, especially for companies and individual entrepreneurs who sell online and want to make a profit. Companies and entrepreneurs advertising through Google Ads have the chance to double their visibility through remarketing. In addition, the general benefits of the application can be listed as follows:

  • It increases the possibility of reaching a very high number of people with low costs. Thus, it has a much higher profit margin compared to traditional methods.
  • It increases the likelihood of sales by helping users remember products and services if they haven’t made a purchase.
  • It is highly functional for maintaining the continuity of the website and increasing organic traffic.

Types of Remarketing Targeting

Remarketing activities can be carried out through different tools. At this stage, it is important for the company or individual entrepreneur to correctly determine the product range and target audience.

Website Remarketing

Website remarketing is the direct recording of users by cookies on websites, and then converting this information into remarketing through Google Ads. Especially for e-commerce sites, website remarketing applications are extremely common and useful. Also, visits related to various services can be included in website marketing.

Email Remarketing

Just like on websites, cookie policies are also implemented on email providers. User information recorded with the user’s consent is then returned to the user as an advertisement through email providers. In this way, users are directed to sales again by receiving emails and notifications from e-commerce sites they have previously registered with via email.

Social Media Remarketing

Social media remarketing applications are quite efficient and attention-grabbing. Social media algorithms record many actions of users to create a broad profile of them. The visibility of suitable products and services within this profile is increased through advertisements.

Search Network Remarketing

Another area where Google remarketing application is frequently used is the search engine. Search engines record information about users’ previous searches, including previously visited websites. This visit history, recorded for users to complete their unfinished purchases or revisit sites, is used as an effective advertising tool by the algorithm.

Taking advantage of this innovative system to reach wider audiences will offer advantageous results by reducing your costs and increasing your profits. You can contact us for all the details about this technology. Additionally, through CRM Media, discovering digital marketing and social media marketing elements, as well as website optimization, will enable you to stay one step ahead of your competitors.

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