If you’re looking to send a powerful seller and trust signal to the Google search engine in the global market, especially if you’re featured on Google Shopping, adding ISO6523 Schema markup to your site is essential. ISO 6523 is a meta-standard for company identifiers, covering various standards such as DUNS, GLN, LEI, National standards, VAT codes, and PEPPOL extensions (99xx). It consists of two main sections: the International Code Designator (ICD) and the Organization Identifier (OID). When using identifiers, avoid using the identifier feature alone! Instead, use TaxID and vatID along with country prefixes.
“@context”: “https://schema.org”,
“@type”: “Organization”,
“name”: “Google France”,
“address”: {
“@type”: “PostalAddress”,
“addressCountry”: “FR”,
“streetAddress”: “8 Rue de Londres”,
“addressLocality”: “Paris”,
“postalCode”: “75009”,
“iso6523Code”: [
“9957: FR64443061841”
“vatId”: “FR64443061841”,
“telephone”: “+33 1 42 68 53 00”,
“foundingDate”: “2002-05-16”
The Organization type features various identification properties, such as /duns, /leiCode, /globalLocationNumber, /vatID, and /taxID. Most of these identifiers can be expressed using the ISO/IEC 6523 standard. ISO 6523 codes consist of an ICD value that identifies the type of code (e.g., 0060 for DUNS, 0199 for leiCode, or 9910+9920-9957 for European /vatID) and an OID that identifies the organization within this framework.
Therefore, we propose adding a new /iso6523 property to the /Organization type with values of the /Text type. Alternatively, we could offer a structured type for /iso6523 values with ICD and OID fields, but since /leiCode allows values of the /Text type, we suggest doing the same for /iso6523 for consistency.
ISO/IEC 6523 Information technology is a structure aimed at identifying organizations and organizational units. It is an international standard that defines a structure uniquely identifying organizations and their units in computer data exchange, and establishes the registration procedure to obtain an “ICD” value, which is an International Code Designator. The standard consists of two parts: Part 1: Determination of organization identification schemes, it defines a structure for identifying organizations and their parts. The components of this structure include: The International Code Designator (ICD), which uniquely identifies the authority giving the code to the organization, with a maximum of 4 digits. An organization identifier, consisting of a maximum of 35 characters.
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