Regardless of whether a business is small, medium, or large, it needs to have a website. Brands that become visible through their websites need to pay attention to a different aspect. Google determines the ranking in search results by considering certain criteria. Websites can achieve high rankings in search results through SEO efforts. The question of whether No Index is beneficial for SEO is on the minds of many. Let’s provide some useful information about No Index!
Any website becomes visible after a while of being launched. In other words, it finds its place in search engines. However, in some cases, users do not want websites or any specific page to be added to the index of search engines, especially Google. In such cases, No Index becomes important. In other words, an effective solution to this problem is provided through the No Index parameter.
With the No Index parameter, indexing of any page by bots is prevented. When the No Index meta tag is added to the webpage, browsers cannot index that page. In other words, the webpage in question cannot be listed in search results
Pages that need to be No Indexed are of interest to many people. At this point, pages containing sensitive information, administrative and login pages, admin and advertisement pages, blog archives, prepared page versions, pages such as return or privacy policy, search pages within the site, and pages containing similar content can be summarized as pages that need to be No Indexed.
Another question as curious as “What is No Index?” is “How is No Index done?” At this point, it should be noted that there are two different options: meta tags and HTTP response headers. Both of these options have similar effects. Websites can determine which one is suitable for them. The page should be scanned to see meta tags and HTTP response headers. If the page continues to appear in search results, there may be a problem. In other words, it can be said that the page has not been scanned since the tag was added. In this case, the URL inspection tool should be used, and a request should be made to Google to re-scan the page. The meta tag is placed in the head section of the page.
Especially, adding the meta index to the HTML code of the page should be performed. Additionally, by returning the no index header in the HTTP response, the appearance of the page in search engines is prevented. After this process, when search engine bots scan the page or see the tag or header, the page is completely removed from Google search results regardless of whether other sites link to that page.
No Index is a factor that prevents the relevant page on websites from being displayed by Google. However, not appearing in search results negatively affects organic traffic. At this point, the page to be No Indexed should be selected meticulously to avoid negatively affecting organic traffic.
Having a large number of pages on websites brings different problems. Because the number of pages that need to be indexed increases. Moreover, the abundance of pages draws attention as a different factor affecting reliability.
In terms of receiving traffic securely and increasing SEO value, it is necessary to carefully determine the pages to be indexed and No Indexed. At this point, it becomes important to follow the pages correctly with robots.txt and sitemaps. This way, the efficiency of SEO efforts increases.
Providing a satisfactory answer to the question “What is No Index?” is also important for understanding the differences between No Index and Nofollow. No Index can be summarized as the page not being added to the index of search engines. However, during No Index, search engines do not necessarily refrain from following the links on the page. Nofollow, on the other hand, can be defined as search engines not following the links at the same time. With this feature, it shows a difference compared to No Index. Additionally, both No Index and Nofollow are known as settings added to the robot meta tag.
Nofollow indicates that there is no desire to vouch for the links on the website. This prevents the transfer of pages to sites with unsafe links. It is also important in reducing spam links. Due to the continuous development and change of Google algorithms, the value of Nofollow also changes over time.
No Index prevents duplicate content from being shown to Google. Thus, it prevents the production of insignificant content. Moreover, it improves the quality of the index. Additionally, pages with unique Landing Page designs opened solely for conversion purposes may not be indexed if necessary.
No Index is also important for being consistent with Google. Because Google promotes consistent websites in search results. Furthermore, another point to consider for No Index being beneficial for SEO is that requesting continuous indexing of any page from Google should be avoided.
In conclusion, No Index ensures the best possible efficiency in SEO efforts.